• CASCABEL - THE ORIGINAL HIVE - Commercial Results at Home


CASCABEL - THE ORIGINAL HIVE - Commercial Results at Home

Now available in London England!

Video showing the product line

SPROMETHEUS - Uses the Hive

Sprometheus VIDEO: ROASTING COFFEE - Learn At Home On A Budget


For Pros and Amateurs

I have been a professional coffee roaster for over 20 years. Initially the Hive appealed to me because of it’s simplicity. I ordered it thinking it was a novelty that I’d use occasionally, I was wrong. This is a serious tool that can be used by an amateur or professional alike with great results. 

~ Paul Jackson (Read the entire review on our product page)

Better than a popcorn popper!

I wanted to brew it more like people did in other countries, NOT with a freakin' popcorn popper! The Cascabel gave me that tool. It's more akin to a drum roaster than you'd think, as in, it has hot metal AND hot air. It's a handheld, swirlin', swishin', swayin' coffee oven! 

~ Mike Sigers

Started selling roasts!

Starting to dabble in roasting has become a reality now. Living in a 4-Story walkup in #NYC, one could only dream about learning how to somewhat roast without drowning in smoke. If you are curious about roasting, please do yourself a favor and invest in a Hive Roaster. It is cost-conscious, it is apartment friendly, and most of all, it will elevate your understanding and appreciation for a cup o' jo.  

~ @fernandoh_nyc  (Now selling his Hiveroaster roasts! Check out more instagram reviews and videos at www.instagram.com/hiveroaster

Roast any profile with no mess and limited smoke!

What makes the Hive so much better?


INSTAGRAM @hiveroaster

We love our customers! We get a kick out of watching your journey with the hive. Keep exploring your potential!



Some of our customers are connecting with each other via our Facebook Group, HIVEROASTERINTERNATIONAL.



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