Sampling with SQL

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Sampling is one of the most powerful tools you can wield to extract meaning from large datasets. It lets you reduce a massive pile of data into a small yet representative dataset that’s fast and easy to use.

If you know how to take samples using SQL, the ubiquitous query language, you’ll be able to take samples anywhere. No dataset will be beyond your reach!

In this post, we’ll look at some clever algorithms for taking samples. These algorithms are fast and easily translated into SQL.

First, however, I’ll note that many database systems have some built-in support for taking samples. For example, some SQL dialects support a TABLESAMPLE clause. If your system has built-in support—and it does what you need—using it will usually be your best option.

Often, though, the built-in support is limited to simple cases. Let’s consider some realistic scenarios that are more challenging:

Sampling without replacement: the A-ES algorithm in SQL

In 2006, Pavlos S. Efraimidis and Paul G. Spirakis published a one-pass algorithm for drawing a weighted random sample, without replacement, from a population of weighted items. It’s quite simple:

Given a population V indexed by i=1n and having weights wi:

  1. For each vi in V, let ui=random(0,1) and ki=ui1/wi.
  2. Select the m items with the largest keys ki.

That algorithm has a straightforward implementation in SQL:

FROM Population
WHERE weight > 0
ORDER BY -LN(1.0 - RANDOM()) / weight
LIMIT 100  -- Sample size.

You’ll note that we changed the ordering logic a bit. A straight translation would have been

ORDER BY POW(RANDOM(), 1.0 / weight) DESC

Our translation

ORDER BY -LN(1.0 - RANDOM()) / weight

is more numerically stable and also helps to show the connection between the algorithm and the fascinating theory of Poisson processes. This connection makes it easier to understand how the algorithm works. More on that in a moment.

Numerical stability and other tweaks

First, the numerical stability claim. Assume that our SQL system uses IEEE double-precision floating-point values under the hood. When the weights are large, say on the order of wi=1017, it doesn’t matter what the random value ui is. The corresponding sort key ki=ui1/wi will almost always be 1.0. Consider the interval 0.01ui1, representing 99% of the possible random values ui. This entire interval gets mapped to 1.0 when wi=1017:

# Python.
>>> w_i = 1e17
>>> math.pow(0.01, 1.0/w_i) == math.pow(1.0, 1.0/w_i) == 1.0

Likewise, when weights are small, say wi=1017, the corresponding sort key will almost always be zero. Consider the interval 0ui0.99, representing 99% of the possible random values ui:

>>> w_i = 1e-17
>>> math.pow(0.0, 1.0/w_i) == math.pow(0.99, 1.0/w_i) == 0.0

For very large (or small) weights, then, the straightforward implementation doesn’t work. The wanted sort ordering is destroyed when very large (or small) powers cause what should be distinct sort keys to collapse into indistinguishable fixed points.

Fortunately, logarithms are order-preserving transformations, so sorting by ln(ui1/wi)=ln(ui)/wi produces the same ordering as sorting by ui1/wi when we’re using mathematically pure real numbers. But the log-transformed version is much more stable when using floating-point numbers. Distinct random inputs ui now produce reliably distinct sort keys ki, even when the input weights wi are very large or very small:

>>> [math.log(u_i) / 1e17 for u_i in (0.01, 0.010001, 0.99, 0.990001)]
[-4.605170185988091e-17, -4.605070190987759e-17,
 -1.005033585350145e-19, -1.0049325753001471e-19]

>>> [math.log(u_i) / 1e-17 for u_i in (0.01, 0.010001, 0.99, 0.990001)]
[-4.605170185988091e+17, -4.605070190987758e+17,
 -1005033585350145.0, -1004932575300147.1]

As a final tweak, we negate the sort keys so that instead of sorting by ui1/wi descending, as in the original algorithm, we do an equivalent sort by ln(ui)/wi ascending. Note the leading minus sign. The rationale for flipping the sign will become apparent when we discuss Poisson processes in the next section.

One last numerical subtlety. Why do we generate random numbers with the expression 1.0 - RANDOM() instead of just RANDOM()? Since most implementations of RANDOM(), such as the PCG implementation used by DuckDB, return a floating-point value in the semi-closed range [0,1), they can theoretically return zero. And we don’t want to take the logarithm of zero. So we instead use 1.0 - RANDOM() to generate a random number in the semi-closed range (0,1], which excludes zero.

Does this algorithm actually work?

First, what do we mean by work? In this case, we’ll say that we want the algorithm to produce samples that are equivalent to a succession of random draws, each draw removing an item from the population, and each draw fair with respect to the population that remains at the time of the draw. Because the population grows slightly smaller with each draw, the draws in the sample are not independent and identically distributed (iid). In practice, however, when your samples are very small compared to your population of interest, and your weights are such that it’s unlikely that iid draws would draw the same item more than once, you can generally pretend that the draws are iid and get away with it. (When you can’t get away with it, you can use a reweighting scheme to extract unbiased estimates anyway. This subject is worth its own post, so I won’t say more here.)

Anyway, it’s not obvious that assigning a random number ui to every row i, then sorting rows on ln(ui)/wi, and finally taking the top m rows is a recipe that would result in a sample that has the wanted properties. But it does.

The clearest way to understand what’s going on is to first take a detour through the fascinating theory of Poisson processes. In short, a Poisson process with rate λ is a sequence of arrivals such that the times between successive arrivals are all independent, exponentially distributed random variables with rate λ.

Poisson processes have some important (and useful!) properties:

  1. They are memoryless. No matter what has previously happened, the time until the next arrival from a Poisson process with rate λ is exponentially distributed with rate λ.
  2. They can be merged. If you have two Poisson processes with rates λ1 and λ2, the arrivals from both processes form a combined Poisson process with rate λ1+λ2. This holds for any number of processes.
  3. They win races in proportion to their rates. In a race between the very next arrival from a Poisson process with rate λ1 and the very next arrival from a Poisson process with rate λ2, the probability that the first process will win the race is λ1/(λ1+λ2).

Now that we know the basics of Poisson processes, there’s just one more tidbit we need:

With the uniform–exponential bridge in mind, we can begin to see what the algorithm is doing when it assigns every row a key ki=ln(ui)/wi and sorts the population by that key. It’s running a race over all the rows in the population! In this race, each row arrives at the finish line at a time that’s an exponentially distributed random variable with a rate corresponding to the row’s weight wi. The first m arrivals form the sample.

To prove that this race does the sampling that we want, we will show that it is equivalent to a succession of one-row draws, each draw being fair with respect to the population that remains at the time of the draw. Let the population’s total weight be w, and consider an arbitrary row i with weight wi. The algorithm will assign it an exponentially distributed random variable with rate wi, which corresponds to the very next arrival from a Poisson process with the same rate.

Now consider all rows except i. They too correspond to Poisson processes with rates equal to their weights. And we can merge them into a combined process with rate jiwj=wwi.

Now, using the rule about Poisson races, we know that row i, represented by a process with rate λ1=wi, will win the race against those other rows, represented by a combined process with rate λ2=wwi, with probability


And since we chose row i arbitrarily, the same argument applies to all rows. Thus every row’s probability of being drawn is equal to its weight in proportion to the population’s total weight. This proves that running a “race of exponentials” lets us perform one fair draw from a population.

But, after we’ve drawn one row, what’s left but a new, slightly smaller population? And can’t we run a new race on this slightly smaller population to correctly draw another row?

We can. And, since Poisson processes are memoryless, we do not have to generate new arrival times to run this new race. We can reuse the existing arrival times because the arrivals that have already happened have no effect on later arrivals. Thus the next row we draw using the leftover arrival times will be another fair draw.

We can repeat this argument to show that successive rows are chosen fairly in relation to the population that remains at the time of each draw. Thus algorithm A-ES selects a sample of size m by making m successive draws, each fair with respect to its remaining population. And that’s the proof.

Tricks for faster samples

Most large analytical datasets will be stored in a column-oriented storage format, such as Parquet. When reading from such datasets, you typically only have to pay for the columns you read. (By “pay”, I mean wait for the query engine to do its work, but if you’re running your query on some tech company’s cloud, you may actually pay in currency too.)

For example, if your dataset contains a table having 100 columns but you need only four of them, the query engine will usually only read those four columns. In row-oriented data stores, by contrast, you’ll generally have to decode entire rows, even if you only want four out of the 100 values in each row. Additionally, most column-oriented stores support some kind of filter pushdown, allowing the storage engine to skip rows when a filtering expression evaluates to false. These two properties—pay for what you read and filter pushdown—are ones we can exploit when taking samples.

Say we have a Population table with billions of rows and around 100 columns. How can we efficiently take a weighted sample of 1000 rows?

We could use the basic sampling formulation, as discussed earlier:

FROM Population
WHERE weight > 0
ORDER BY -LN(1.0 - RANDOM()) / weight
LIMIT 1000  -- Sample size.

But think about what the query engine must do to execute this query. It must read and decode all 100 columns for all of those billions of rows so that it may pass those rows into the sort/limit logic (typically implemented as a TOP_N operation) to determine which rows to keep for the sample. Even though the sample will keep only 0.00001% of those rows, you’ll have to pay to read the entire Population table!

A much faster approach is to only read the columns we need to determine which rows are in the sample. Say our table has a primary key pk that uniquely identifies each row. The following variant on our sampling formulation returns only the primary keys needed to identify the rows in the sample:

FROM Population
WHERE weight > 0
ORDER BY -LN(1.0 - RANDOM()) / weight
LIMIT 1000  -- Sample size.

This variant only forces the query engine to read two columns: pk and weight: Yes, it still must read those two columns for the billions of rows in the table, but those columns contain small values and can be scanned quickly. After all, that’s what column-oriented stores are designed to do well. The point is that we’re not paying to read about 100 additional columns whose values we’re just going to throw away 99.99999% of the time.

One we have identified the rows in our sample, we can run a second query to pull in the full set of wanted columns for just those rows.

Adding determinism

Our sampling algorithm depends on randomization. If we run our algorithm twice with the same inputs, we’ll get different results each time. Often, that nondeterminism is exactly what we want.

But sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes, it’s useful to be able to control the dice rolls that the algorithm depends on. For example, sometimes it’s useful to be able to repeat a sample. Or almost repeat a sample.

To allow us to control the nature of the randomization used when we take samples, we must replace calls to RANDOM with a deterministic pseudorandom function. One common approach is to hash a primary key and then map the hashed value to a number in the range [0,1). The following DuckDB macro pseudorandom_uniform will do exactly that:

-- Returns a pseudorandom fp64 number in the range [0, 1). The number
-- is determined by the given `key`, `seed` string, and integer `index`.
CREATE MACRO pseudorandom_uniform(key, seed, index)
AS (
  (HASH(key || seed || index) >> 11) * POW(2.0, -53)

We can vary the seed and index parameters to generate independent random values for the same key. For example, if I fix the seed to “demo-seed-20240601” and generate random numbers for the key “key123” over the index values 1,2,,10, I get 10 fresh random numbers:

  pseudorandom_uniform('key123', 'demo-seed-20240601', i) AS u_key123
FROM RANGE(1, 11) AS t(i);
Ten random numbers for the key “key123” and seed “demo-seed-20240601”.
i u_key123
1 0.9592606495318252
2 0.6309411348395693
3 0.5673207749533353
4 0.11182926321927167
5 0.3375806483238627
6 0.12881607107157678
7 0.6993372364353198
8 0.94031652266991
9 0.17893798791559323
10 0.6903126337753016

To take deterministic samples, we just replace calls to RANDOM() with calls to our function pseudorandom_uniform().

Now that we can take deterministic samples, we can do even more useful things! For example, we can take samples with replacement.

Sampling with replacement

Earlier, we proved that the A-ES algorithm allows us to take a sample without replacement as a series of successive draws, each draw removing an item from the population, and each draw fair with respect to the population that remains at the time of the draw. But what if we wanted to take a sample with replacement? A sample with replacement requires us to return each item to the population as it is selected so that every selection is fair with respect to the original population, and individual items may be selected more than once.

Can we efficiently implement sampling with replacement in SQL? Yes! But it’s a little trickier. (I haven’t found this algorithm published anywhere; please let me know if you have. It took me some effort to create, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already known.)

Think back to our correctness proof for the A-ES algorithm. For each row i having a weight wi, the algorithm imagined a corresponding Poisson process with rate λi=wi and represented the row by the very next arrival from that process. That arrival would occur at time ki=ln(ui)/wi, where ui is a uniformly distributed random number in the range (0,1]. Then the algorithm sorted all rows by their ki values and took the first m arrivals as the sample.

With one minor tweak to this algorithm, we can take a sample with replacement. That tweak is to consider not just the very next arrival from each row’s Poisson process but all arrivals. Let ki,j denote the jth arrival from row i’s process. Since we know that in a Poisson process the times between successive arrivals are exponentially distributed random variables, we can take the running sum over interarrival times to give us the needed arrival times. That is, ki,j=r=1jln(ui,r)/wi, where ui,r represents the rth uniformly distributed random variable for row i.

One minor problem with this tweaked algorithm is that a Poisson process generates a theoretically infinite series of arrivals. Creating an infinite series for each row and then sorting the arrivals from all of these series is intractable.

Fortunately, we can avoid this problem! Think about how the A-ES algorithm for taking a sample without replacement relates to our proposed intractable algorithm for taking a sample with replacement. We could describe the without algorithm in terms of the with algorithm like so: Prepare to take a sample with replacement, but then ignore all arrivals ki,j for j>1; the remaining arrivals must be of the form ki,1, where i indicates the corresponding row. Then take the first m of these remaining arrivals as your sample, as before.

Now think about going the other way, from having a without-replacement sample and needing to construct a corresponding with-replacement sample. Let S be the set of rows sampled without replacement. We know these rows were represented by a corresponding set of arrival times ki,1 for i in S. We also know that, had the sample been taken with replacement, the race would have included some additional arrival times ki,j for j>1 that could have displaced some of the winning rows in S. But, crucially, we also know that if S represents the set of rows in the corresponding sample with replacement, then S must be contained within S. This claim follows from the fact that if any arrival ki,j for j>1 does displace a row among the first m arrivals, the j>1 requirement implies that the displacing row is a duplicate of some row i that arrived earlier in the sample at time ki,1; thus, displacement cannot introduce a new row from outside of S.

Therefore, if we have a sample without replacement, we can construct a sample with replacement from its rows. We can ignore all other rows in the population. This makes the problem much more approachable.

So now we can see an algorithm taking shape for taking a sample with replacement of size m:

  1. First, take an m-sized sample S without replacement using the efficient A-ES algorithm.
  2. For each sampled row i in S, generate m arrivals ki,j for j=1,2,,m using the same pseudorandom universe that was used to generate S.
  3. Take the first m arrivals as the sample.

You may have noticed that step 2 of this algorithm requires us to create m arrivals for each of the m rows in S. This step thus requires O(m2) time. When m is large, this time can be prohibitive.

Fortunately, we can use probability theory to reduce this cost to O(m). The idea is that if row i is expected to occur in the sample ni times, it is very unlikely to occur more than cni times when c2. So we don’t need to generate a full m arrivals for each row i in S; we can get away with generating mi=cni arrivals instead, for a suitably large c to assuage our personal level of paranoia.

Here’s a sample implementation as a DuckDB macro:

-- Takes a weighted sample with replacement from a table.
-- Args:
--  population_table: The table to sample from. It must have a `pk` column
--    of unique primary keys and a `weight` column of non-negative weights.
--  seed: A string that determines the pseudorandom universe in which the
--    sample is taken. Samples taken with distinct seeds are independent.
--    If you wish to repeat a sample, reuse the sample's seed.
--  sample_size: The number of rows to include in the sample. This value
--    may be larger than the number of rows in the `population_table`.
-- Returns a sample of rows from the `population_table`.
CREATE MACRO sample_with_replacement(population_table, seed, sample_size)
    -- First, take a sample *without* replacement of the wanted size.
    SampleWithoutReplacement AS (
      SELECT *
      FROM query_table(population_table::varchar)
      WHERE weight > 0
      ORDER BY -LN(pseudorandom_uniform(pk, seed, 1)) / weight
      LIMIT sample_size
    -- Compute the total weight over the sample.
    SampleWithoutReplacementTotals AS (
      SELECT SUM(weight) AS weight
      FROM SampleWithoutReplacement
    -- Generate a series of arrivals for each row in the sample.
    SampleWithReplacementArrivals AS (
        SUM(-LN(pseudorandom_uniform(pk, seed, trial_index)) / S.weight)
          OVER (PARTITION BY pk ORDER BY trial_index)
          AS rws_sort_key
      FROM SampleWithoutReplacement AS S
      CROSS JOIN SampleWithoutReplacementTotals AS T
          RANGE(1, CAST(2.0 * sample_size * S.weight / T.weight + 2 AS INT)))
        AS I(trial_index)
  -- Form the sample *with* replacement from the first `sample_size` arrivals.
  SELECT * EXCLUDE (rws_sort_key)
  FROM SampleWithReplacementArrivals
  ORDER BY rws_sort_key
  LIMIT sample_size

Example of sampling with replacement

As an example of when we might want to sample with replacement instead of without, consider the following population table ThreeToOne that represents the possible outcomes of tossing a biased coin:

ThreeToOne population table.
pk weight
heads 3
tails 1

For this biased coin, “heads” is 3 times as likely as “tails.” We can simulate flipping this coin 10 times by sampling 10 rows from the ThreeToOne population table with replacement:

FROM sample_with_replacement(ThreeToOne, 'test-seed-20240601', 10);
Results of drawing a 10-row sample with replacement from ThreeToOne.

In this sample, we got 7 heads and 3 tails. On average, we would expect about 7.5 heads in each sample of size 10, so our observed sample is close to our expectations.

But maybe we just got lucky. As a stronger test of our SQL sampling logic, let’s take 10,000 samples of size 40 and look at the count of heads across all of the samples. We would expect this count to have a Binomial(size = 40, p = 3/4) distribution. To compare our observed results to the expected distribution, I’ll compute the empirical distribution of the results and plot that over the expected distribution. As you can see in the figure below, the observed distribution closely matches the expected distribution.

When we take 10,000 independent samples of size n = 40 from a 3:1 biased-coin distribution, we find that the count of “heads” over the samples agrees with the expected Binomial(size = 40, p = 3/4) distribution.


Sampling is a powerful tool. And with the SQL logic we’ve just discussed, you can take fast, easy samples from virtually any dataset, no matter how large. And you can take those samples with or without replacement.

What makes it all work is a clever connection to the theory of Poisson processes. Those processes are memoryless and mergeable, and their arrivals win races in proportion to their rates. These properties are exactly what we need to run races that let us take samples.

Beyond what we’ve discussed in this article, there are further ways we can exploit these properties. For example, as a performance optimization, we can predict the arrival time t of the final row in a sample. Then we can augment our SQL sampling logic with a pushdown filter that eliminates population rows with arrival times greater than ct for some constant c. This filtering happens before ORDER/LIMIT processing and can greatly speed queries by eliminating more than 99.99% of rows early on, before they are even fully read on systems that support “late materialization.”

But this article is already too long, so I’ll stop here for now.


Pavlos S. Efraimidis and Paul G. Spirakis. Weighted random sampling with a reservoir. Information Processing Letters, 97(5):181–185, 2006.