Virgo Daily Horoscope - Virgo Horoscope Today
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

Virgo horoscope today is a guideline provided to you about the results of your predetermined tasks. It will warn you regarding your events. If the outcome of any event will be bad, you will be informed before it's happening so that you can take remedial actions in order to reduce ill effects. If the outcomes are good or auspicious, even then you can take some necessary steps to increase the auspiciousness of the same moment in order to achieve your expected goals.
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If you have any doubt on commencing an activity during a specified period, you need to confirm whether the time it is favourable for you or not. Once you check the availability of an auspicious time through panchang (Indian Hindu Calendar) or are advised by an astrologer, you may proceed further. It is necessary to check the muhurat. Also, it is recommended to check muhurat in order to increase the auspicious effects of certain activity. For day to day tasks, you are recommended to read our Virgo daily horoscope. Before proceeding towards, let's understand about Virgo sign:
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What is Virgo Sign?
Virgo daily horoscope is based on the sixth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali and is its sixth house. This sign is of 300 in longitude and gets extended from 150th degree from vernal equinox to 180th degree. It contains second, third and fourth pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, four padas of Hasta and first and second padas of Chitra Nakshatra. Virgo is the sixth sign of zodiac and also the second sign ruled by Mercury, first one being Gemini. It is also the second earthy sign. It is a negative, feminine, barren, cold, dry, nocturnal and northern sign.
It is an exaltation sign of planet Mercury. Though it is a good friend of Mercury, it gets debilitated in this sign, whereas Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are considered as inimical to this sign as well as to the planet Mercury. Saturn is also A good friend for this sign. The exaltation and debilitation of both the planets in this sign confirm that Mercurians prefer wisdom to wealth. Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati both cannot live in one place. It can be clearly understood by the above exaltation and debilitation statements.
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Virgo Born people and their Physical Appearance
We have discussed about Virgo sign, what is it, who is the ruling lord and what are its friendly planets. Now we will discuss about physical appearance of Virgo Born people. If you need more information about Virgo born, you must read our Virgo daily horoscope. It will enlighten you towards your concerned areas. We have listed below few physical traits of Virgo born:
- They are tall with slender body. They will have dark hair and eyes.
- They have curved eyebrows with much hair growth. They have thin and shrill voice.
- They appear younger than their actual age due to their activities.
- They have straight nose, which indicates that they are clever, however, they may not necessarily be cunning.
- They have pronounced forehead near the eyebrows.
- They have honest and frank expressions in their eyes.
Characteristics for Virgo Born People
As we have described about the physical appearance of Virgo born people, now, we will read about their characteristics. If you want to know more about Virgo born people, read our Virgo horoscope today. It will enable you to know more about your day to day tasks. We have mentioned below some characteristics of Virgo born people:
- Due to fixed nature of the sign, they want stability in any area of life. They are very conscientious and capable of handling any unfavourable situation.
- They are very brisk and quick in their work, just like the fast moving planet Mercury.
- They expect very brief statements and representations from others. They expect from others to behave like a business partner.
- They need to pay attention upon the details while talking or explaining. They do not add those ideas which are boring for others.
- They are thorough, methodical, practical and discriminative. They can do much better if they work as an inspector, auditor, income tax officer or examiner as they can quickly find faults in others.
- Being an earthy sign, thay do have the capability of saving money. If they travel, they will definitely have cash balance in their one pocket and something in other.
- They are very careful, hence they try to avoid mistakes.
- They are good at keeping everything in their proper place.
- They make account book consisting of every details.
- They will keep personal files and documents in perfect condition.
- They are very analytical, and always give lengthy description in conversation. They can be very chatty in nature.
- They have this habit of over-analysing any minor things. They must avoid it. Even their family members will not relish or appreciate their comments and criticism.
- They suffer from nervousness and self doubt even though they are intelligent and have quick perception.
- They really need to be steady when going after what they want and should avoid their changeable nature as much as possible.
- They switch to another work before finishing the previous work. They must avoid this habit.
They ask everyone for a solution when in any situation and ultimately get confused and find no conclusion.
- They are good judge and intelligent people. If they consult a doctor or an astrologer, they should follow only one as when they consult many advisors, they get confused.
- They should stick to a single person in order to get a clear conclusion.
- They have lack of consistency in their approach in every arena of life.
- They need to learn to forget mistakes of others and forgive them for their faults. They have long sustained resentment. They must avoid this habit in order to make their life more happy.
- They are governed by Mercury, hence they are very good in writing.
What does Virgo sign signify in various aspects of life?
We have described various characteristics of Virgo born people. Now we will see various aspects of life which are governed by Virgo. For more details regarding Virgo sign on daily basis, you need to read our Virgo horoscope today. Let' understand the various aspects below:
Environment: They like to change their residence very frequently. They want to keep everything at their home in a specified order. They like neat and clean home and also prefer their family members and "themselves" to entertain if any guest arrives. They will be always lucky to procure house in a good locality due to lordship of planet Jupiter over fourth house. When they are under the dasha of Jupiter, the property price may shoot up. Jupiter is also the lord of 7th house, hence they may have a spouse who is religious, law abiding and true. Ultimately, they will lead a happy domestic life.
Profession: Generally, these people are slave of their work. They are also a hard taskmaster. They would probably prefer peaceful place or environment to carry out your task. People born under this sign, should make correct choice of their financier or partner in business. If the planet Sun will form good yoga with lord of 2nd or 6th or 10th in Virgo then it can create the yoga for medical officer or they can work with healthcare sectors.
Finance: They are very careful about their money. They have great desire to become rich and as the result, they are conscious about value of money. They work hard in order to gain much success, however, they may not be able to attain what actually they desire due to lordship of sixth house i.e. Saturn. Investments are also not go well with them and returns go haywire.
Marriage: They are basically their own ideals and hence it is difficult for these people to choose the right partner for themself. This process of finding the partner may delay for such people due to their some criteria. They use to find all qualities within the partner, that may create a problem for them. They are very practical in their approach. They use to postpone their marriage. They pay attention to intelligence rather than in romance. They should give some affection in their expression while dealing to their partner.
Health: They enjoy strong and good health with long life. When they are young, they are very active and always appear as a young due to their activity. Virgo born people may cause diseases related to digestive and intestinal troubles. If they have malefics in Virgo, then it may also cause dysentery, typhoid and sprue during their period.
Lucky Day: Wednesday is the most lucky day for you. Friday will come with the fortune even though Venus is debilitated in this sign. Tuesdays are inauspicious. Saturdays are also not beneficial. Sundays will end to a loss. Mondays are good for bonding with people. Thursday are favourable for partnership.
Lucky Colour: Green, White and Yellow.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41 etc.
2, 11, 20, 38, 47 etc.
7, 16, 25, 34, 43 etc.
6, 15, 24, 33, 42 etc.
3, 12, 21, 30, 48 etc.
Lucky Stone: Emerald, Pearl, Diamond and Yellow Sapphire.
What do all 12 houses signify for Virgo Born?
Astrology houses plays very important role in determining the various aspects of our life. If you want to understand about your day to day aspects of life based on your astrology houses, you need to read our Virgo daily horoscope. How these aspects are being operated by almighty? That can be understood through the house significations for Virgo born people which is described below:
- First House: It denotes about "yourself". Virgo itself rules over the first house for Virgo born people. It is governed by the planet Mercury.
- Second House: This house denotes the Family, Wealth, and Finances. Libra is governed by the planet Venus and it governs the second house for Virgo born people.
- Third house: It indicates Communication & Siblings in any horoscope. Scorpio rules over this house of astrology for Virgo born and its ruling planet is Mars.
- Fourth House: Fourth House indicates "Sukhsthana" or the house of mother. Sagittarius rules over fourth house for Virgo born people and its ruling planet is Jupiter.
- Fifth House: Fifth house shows Children and Education. Capricorn rules over fifth house and the ruling planet for this house is Saturn.
- Sixth House: This house shows debt, disease and enemy. Aquarius rules over Sixth house for Virgo born and the ruling planet of this house is Saturn.
- Seventh House: It denotes the partnership, spouse and marriage. Pisces rules over seventh house for Virgo born and the ruling planet is Jupiter.
- Eighth House: This house indicates "Longevity" and "Mystery". Aries rules over eighth house and the ruling planet of this sign is Mars.
- Ninth House: This house indicates "Guru/Teacher" & "Religion". Taurus rules over Ninth house for Virgo rising and the ruling planet is Venus for this sign.
- Tenth House: It denotes career or profession or Karma sthana. Gemini rules over tenth house for Virgo born people and the ruling planet is Mercury.
- Eleventh House: This house shows the gains and incomes. Cancer occupies eleventh house for Virgo Born people and the ruling planet is Moon.
- Twelfth House: Twelfth house indicates the expenditure and losses. Leo occupies this house for Virgo born people and it is ruled by the planet Sun.
We have described various temperaments and characteristics of Virgoans. I hope you like it. If you want to know more about your characteristics and how you are going to tackle the challenges, you must read our Virgo daily horoscope report. It will help you to find out your futuristic events in order to measure the outcomes proactively.
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