2021-07-20 Beating the L1 cache with value speculation

If we have a heuristic to guess some value cheaply, we can remove a data dependency in a tight loop using the branch predictor. This allows the CPU to run more instructions in parallel, increasing performance. If this explanation does not make much sense to you, keep reading to learn about some of the magic making your CPU fast!

Per Vognsen’s twitter feed is full of neat low-level curiosities, usually leveraging CPU features for some performance benefit.

Recently he tweeted about a trick that I had never heard of – value speculation.1 The trick exploits the branch predictor to guess values, enabling more instruction parallelism and therefore removing a bottleneck on the L1 cache. Note that the bottleneck is not due to L1 cache misses, but on L1 cache hits introducing unwanted data dependencies.

  1. Per, in turn, referenced a blog post by Paul Khuong with a real-world example deploying this trick. Paul, in turn, references side-channel attacks.↩︎

In this post I explain the machinery involved, including a primer on branch prediction and CPU caches, so that anybody with a passing knowledge of C and how code is executed on CPUs should be able to follow.

The code for the post is available here. All the numbers are from a Xeon E5-1650 v3, an Intel Haswell processor with L1 / L2 / L3 cache of 32kB, 256kB, and 15MB respectively. The code was compiled with clang -O3, and not with gcc, for reasons explained later.

Before starting, I’d like to stress that L1 cache hits are almost certainly not the bottleneck of your application! This is just a very neat trick that illuminates some CPU features, not a guide on how to improve the performance of your average piece of C code.

The setup – summing linked lists #

We have a simple linked list data type, and a function summing all the elements of a given linked list:

typedef struct Node {
  uint64_t value;
  struct Node *next; // NULL for the last node
} Node;

uint64_t sum1(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  while (node) {
    value += node->value;
    node = node->next;
  return value;

So far so good. Our test case works as follows: build a linked list where the nodes live sequentially in contiguous memory, then see how long it takes to sum them all up:

// Allocate 5MB of linked list nodes, and link them sequentially, with
// random data in the `value`s.
uint64_t n = 312500llu; // 312500 * sizeof(Node) = 312500 * 16 bytes = 5000000 bytes
Node *nodes = malloc(n * sizeof(Node));
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
  nodes[i].value = random_uint64();
  nodes[i].next = &nodes[i+1];
nodes[n-1].value = random_uint64();
nodes[n-1].next = NULL;

// Now sum.

On a server with a relatively old Xeon E5-1650 v3, running sum1 with the sample data takes 0.36 milliseconds, which means that we’re processing our linked list at roughly 14GB/s. In the rest of the post will will identify the bottleneck and get around it with value speculation, bringing the throughput for this dataset to 30GB/s.

The impact of the fix varies depending on the size of the dataset. If it is already entirely in the CPU cache, the improvement is much more pronounced, since otherwise we are quickly constrained by how fast we can read data from RAM. This graph shows the performance improvement over differently sized datasets (higher is better):

Chart showing the performance of various versions of sum, including sum1 as described above. Multiple iterations of the same functions are run, to ensure the data is already in the cache if possible.

The chart shows the performance of sum1 together with the performance of two improved functions, sum2 and sum3. We go from a throughput of 14GB/s in sum1 to more than 45GB/s in sum3 if the data fits entirely in the L1 cache (the 16kB dataset), with the performance decreasing slightly for datasets fitting in the L2 and L3 cache (128kB and 5MB datasets). If the dataset does not fit entirely in any CPU cache (~4GB dataset) we go from 10GB/s to 15GB/s, which is as fast as the RAM allows.2

  1. See remarks in the last section for more data on why I think 15GB/s is the limit without resorting to deeper changes.↩︎

Instruction parallelism and branch prediction #

Modern CPUs do not process instructions serially, but rather handle many at the same time. They read many instructions at once, break them down in stages, and then try to fill all the computation units they have with as many tasks from as many instructions as possible.3 For instance, modern Intel processors are designed for a throughput of 4 instructions per clock cycle, and AMD Zen processors for up to 5 or 6.4

However, branches pose a challenge when wanting to execute instructions in parallel. Let’s go back to our function sum1:

  1. To expand on this topic, you can start reading on out-of-order execution and pipelining.↩︎

  2. Agner Fog’s microarchitecture document contains tons of details about the pipeline characteristics for Intel and AMD x86 processors. The numbers on throughput for each architecture are usually in the “Pipeline” section.↩︎

uint64_t sum1(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  while (node) {
    value += node->value;
    node = node->next;
  return value;

and its very readable assembly version:

; rdi = node and rax = value.
; rax is the return value register (we're returning value)
  xor     rax, rax                 ; value = 0
  test    rdi, rdi                 ; if node is NULL, exit, otherwise start loop
  je      end
  add     rax, qword ptr [rdi]     ; value += node->value
  mov     rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 8] ; node = node->next
  test    rdi, rdi                 ; if node is not NULL, repeat loop,
  jne     loop                     ; otherwise exit

The loop body is made out of 4 instructions, the last of which a jump. Without special measures, every instruction up to the jne must be executed before proceeding to the next instruction, since we need to know if we’ll go to the beginning of the loop or continue. In other words the conditional jump would introduce a barrier in the instruction level parallelism internal to the CPU.

However, executing many instructions at once is so important that dedicated hardware – the branch predictor – is present in all modern CPUs to make an educated guess on which way we’ll go at every conditional jump. The details of how this works are beyond the scope of this blog post, but conceptually your CPU observes your program as it runs and tries to predict which branch will be taken by remembering what happened in the past.5

  1. Apart from the ever useful Agner Fog (see Section 3 of the microarchitecture document), Dan Luu has a nice blogpost explaining less dryly various ways of performing branch prediction.↩︎

Even without knowing much about the branch prediction, we expect the predictor to do a great job for our test case – we always go back to the beginning of the loop apart from when we stop consuming the list. On Linux, we can verify that this is the case with perf stat:

$ perf stat ./value-speculation-linux
         2,507,580      branch-misses             #    0.04% of all branches

The branch predictor gets it right 99.96% of the time. So the CPU can parallelize our instructions with abandon, right? …right?

Data dependencies tripping us up #

Let’s focus on the loop body of sum1:

; rdi = node and rax = value.
  add     rax, qword ptr [rdi]     ; value += node->value
  mov     rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 8] ; node = node->next
  test    rdi, rdi                 ; if node is not NULL, repeat loop,
  jne     loop                     ; otherwise exit

To increment value (rax), we need to know the value of node (rdi), which depends on the mov in the previous iteration of the loop. The same is true for the mov itself – it is also dependent on the result of the previous mov to operate. So there’s a data dependency between each iteration of the loop: we must have finished reading node->next ([rdi + 8]) at iteration nn before we can start executing the add and mov at iteration n+1n+1.

Moreover, reading the node->next ([rdi + 8]) is slower than you might think.

Diagram showing the CPU caches for the processor used in this post. Generated with lstopo.

Modern CPUs are a lot better at adding numbers than reading from memory. For this reason, a series of fast caches exist between the CPU and main memory. All reading and writing from main memory normally goes through the cache – if the data we are interested in is not already present, the CPU will load a chunk of memory (a “cache line”, 64 bytes on x86) which contains our desired data into the cache.6 The fastest cache is usually called L1 (successive caching layers being predictably called L2, L3, …).

Our setup is the best-case scenario when it comes to CPU caches – we read a bunch of memory sequentially, utilizing every byte along the way. However, even if the L1 cache is very fast, it is not free: it takes around 4 CPU cycles to read from it. This will make our mov and add take at least 4 cycles to complete. The other two instructions, je and test, will take only one cycle.7

So the number of cycles needed to go through a single loop iteration is bounded by the 4 cycles it takes to read from L1 cache. The data I get from the Xeon I tested the program with is roughly consistent with this:

  1. I say “normally” because the cache can be avoided using streaming SIMD instructions, which can write or copy memory bypassing the cache. However these methods are opt-in, and by default all memory goes through the cache.↩︎

  2. Again, Agner Fog’s page on performance is the best resource I could find to source these numbers. For example, if one wanted to find these numbers for a Haswell CPU:

16kB, 10000 iterations
  sum1:  8465052097154389858,  1.12us,  14.25GB/s,  3.91 cycles/elem,  1.03 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.01 instrs/elem
128kB, 10000 iterations
  sum1:  6947699366156898439,  9.06us,  14.13GB/s,  3.95 cycles/elem,  1.01 instrs/cycle,  3.49GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem
5000kB, 100 iterations
  sum1:  2134986631019855758,  0.36ms,  14.07GB/s,  3.96 cycles/elem,  1.01 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem
4294MB, 1 iterations
  sum1: 15446485409674718527,  0.43 s,   9.94GB/s,  5.60 cycles/elem,  0.71 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem

The important numbers are cycles/elem and instrs/cycle. We spend roughly 4 cycles per list element (that is to say, per loop iteration), corresponding to a throughput of roughly 1 instruction per cycle. Given that the CPU in question is designed for a throughput of 4 instructions per cycle, we’re wasting a lot of the CPU magic at our disposal, because we’re stuck waiting on the L1 cache.

Value speculation bailing us out #

We finally get to the trick. As discussed, we are stuck waiting on reading what the next node address is. However, in our setup we allocate the list in a contiguous block of memory, and therefore the nodes are always next to each other.

So here’s the key idea: try to guess the next node by just bumping the previous value. If the guess is wrong, set the node to the “real” next value. In C, this is how it would look like:

uint64_t faster_sum(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;
  while (node) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    // Guess the next value
    // But fix it up if we guessed wrong (in case the nodes are not
    // next to each other).
    if (node != next) {
      node = next;
  return value;

This looks quite bizarre. We are still reading node->next in the comparison node != next to make sure our guess is right. So at first glance this might not seem like an improvement.

This is where the branch predictor comes in. In the case of lists where most nodes are next to each other (as is the case in our test code), the branch predictor will guess that the if (node != next) { ... } branch is not taken, and therefore we’ll go through loop iterations without having to wait for the L1 read.

Note that when the branch predictor is wrong (for example when the list ends, or if we have non-contiguous nodes) the CPU will need to backtrack and re-run from the failed branch prediction, which is costly (15 to 20 cycles on our processor8). However, if the list is mostly contiguous, the trick works and makes our function 50-200% faster.

  1. See “Misprediction penalty” for Haswell processor in Agner Fog’s microarchitecture document.↩︎

However there is one last challenge remaining to reach the final code and show you numbers – convincing compilers that our code is worth compiling.

Getting compilers to emit the right code #

Let’s go back to the code we showed for value speculation in C:

uint64_t faster_sum(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;
  while (node) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    if (node != next) {
      node = next;
  return value;

Both gcc and clang easily deduce that the guessing is semantically pointless, and compile our trick away, making the compiled version of faster_sum the same as sum1. This is an instance where the compiler smartness undoes human knowledge about the underlying platform we’re compiling for.

Per Vognsen’s gist uses the following trick to get compilers to behave – this is the first improvement to our sum1, sum2:

static uint64_t sum2(Node *node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  while (node) {
    value += node->value;
    Node *predicted_next = node + 1;
    Node *next = node->next;
    if (next == predicted_next) {
      // Prevent compilers optimizing this apparently meaningless branch away
      // by making them think we're changing predicted_next here.
      // This trick, however, does not work with GCC, only with clang. GCC here
      // derives that `next` and `predicted_next` are the same, and therefore
      // merges them into the same variable, which re-introduces the data
      // dependency we wanted to get rid of.
      asm("" : "+r"(predicted_next));
      node = predicted_next;
    } else {
      node = next;
  return value;

However gcc still doesn’t fully fall for it, as explained in the comment.9 Moreover, clang’s generated loop is not as tight as it could, taking 10 instructions per element. So I resorted to manually writing out a better loop, which we’ll call sum3:10

  1. This is why I stuck to clang for this post. I don’t know what compiler Per is using for his tests.↩︎

  2. Here I show the assembly version in Intel syntax, but in the code I write inline assembly, using AT&T syntax since it is better supported.↩︎

; rax = value, rcx = next, rdi = node
; Note that rax is the return value register (we are returning the value)
  xor     rax, rax                   ; value = 0
  xor     rcx, rcx                   ; next = NULL
  test    rdi, rdi                   ; if node is null, go to the end,
  je      end                        ; otherwise start loop
  add     rax, qword ptr [rdi]       ; value += node->value
  mov     rcx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]   ; next = node->next
  add     rdi, 16                    ; node++
  cmp     rcx, rdi                   ; if node is equal to next,
  je      loop_body                  ; restart loop, otherwise fix up node
  mov     rdi, rcx                   ; node = next
  test    rdi, rdi                   ; if node is not NULL restart the loop,
  jne     loop_body                  ; otherwise exit.

The code relies on the fact that node can’t be NULL after we increment it if it is equal to next, avoiding an additional test, and taking only 5 instructions per element (from loop_body to je loop_body in the happy path).11

  1. The original version of sum3 took 6 instructions per cycle, until Rihalto pointed out a needless jump.↩︎

Results #

These are the final numbers for our four functions:

16kB, 10000 iterations
  sum1:  8465052097154389858,  1.12us,  14.25GB/s,  3.91 cycles/elem,  1.03 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.01 instrs/elem
  sum2:  8465052097154389858,  0.57us,  27.97GB/s,  1.99 cycles/elem,  5.02 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz, 10.01 instrs/elem
  sum3:  8465052097154389858,  0.36us,  44.96GB/s,  1.24 cycles/elem,  4.05 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  5.01 instrs/elem
128kB, 10000 iterations
  sum1:  6947699366156898439,  9.05us,  14.14GB/s,  3.95 cycles/elem,  1.01 instrs/cycle,  3.49GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem
  sum2:  6947699366156898439,  4.51us,  28.38GB/s,  1.97 cycles/elem,  5.09 instrs/cycle,  3.49GHz, 10.00 instrs/elem
  sum3:  6947699366156898439,  3.79us,  33.80GB/s,  1.65 cycles/elem,  3.03 instrs/cycle,  3.49GHz,  5.00 instrs/elem
5000kB, 100 iterations
  sum1:  2134986631019855758,  0.35ms,  14.09GB/s,  3.95 cycles/elem,  1.01 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem
  sum2:  2134986631019855758,  0.19ms,  26.27GB/s,  2.12 cycles/elem,  4.72 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz, 10.00 instrs/elem
  sum3:  2134986631019855758,  0.17ms,  28.93GB/s,  1.93 cycles/elem,  2.60 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  5.00 instrs/elem
4294MB, 1 iterations
  sum1: 15446485409674718527,  0.44 s,   9.66GB/s,  5.76 cycles/elem,  0.69 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz,  4.00 instrs/elem
  sum2: 15446485409674718527,  0.33 s,  13.19GB/s,  4.22 cycles/elem,  2.37 instrs/cycle,  3.48GHz, 10.00 instrs/elem
  sum3: 15446485409674718527,  0.30 s,  14.20GB/s,  3.91 cycles/elem,  1.28 instrs/cycle,  3.47GHz,  5.00 instrs/elem

The numbers are provided by the Linux perf_event_open syscall.

The first three datasets are meant to fit in the L1 / L2 / L3 cache. In those cases, the improvements are very pronounced, and sum3 is crunching the data at around 4 instructions per cycle, which should be close to the limit on the processor I tested the code on. When the data does not fit in the cache, the bottleneck becomes filling it, and we process the data at roughly 15 GB/s.

I believe that this is as fast as one can go with “simple” single-threaded reading from RAM, and it’s consistent with data from sysbench:

$ sysbench memory --memory-block-size=1G --memory-oper=read --threads=1 run
102400.00 MiB transferred (15089.75 MiB/sec)

The RAM-reading speed could probably be improved using SIMD streaming instructions or by reading from multiple threads, although the implementation would be significantly more complicated.

And so we complete our journey into this low-level trick! If you want more of this, I can’t reccomend Per’s account enough – figuring out how his tricks works has been very educational.

Thanks to Alexandru Scvortov, Niklas Hambüchen, Alex Appetiti, and Carter T Schonwald for reading drafts of this post. Niklas also clarified some details regarding RAM speeds, and suggested sysbench to measure single threaded RAM reading speed in particular. Also thanks to Per Vognsen and Jason Rohem for spotting a few typos, and to Rihalto for pointing out a better sum3 and some misleading wording.

Bonus track – a compiler friendly C version #

Alexander Monakov suggested a more robust C function which works well with both gcc and clang, performs as well as sum3, and does not resort to any assembly:

uint64_t sum5(Node *node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node *next = NULL;
  for (; node; node = node->next) {
    for (;;) {
      value += node->value;
      if (node + 1 != node->next) {
  return value;


Fantastic blogpost – I could follow it all with a little C and limited assembly knowledge which is a testament to the quality of writing here.

How about the following to make sure neither gcc nor clang optimize away the conditional branch ?

#define obfuscate_var(x) \
({ \
    __typeof__(x) _var = (x); \
    asm volatile ("" : "+r" (_var)); \
    _var; \

uint64_t faster_sum3(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;

  if (!node)
    return 0;
  for (;;) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    // Guess the next value.
    // Prevent the compiler from eliminating the conditional branch.
    if (node == obfuscate_var(next))
    // Fix it up if we guessed wrong (in case the nodes are not
    // next to each other).
    node = next;
    if (!node)
  return value;

Using obfuscate_var() on “node = next” seems to improve the generated assembler (on x86-64 with both clang and gcc):

#define obfuscate_var(x) \
({ \
    __typeof__(x) _var = (x); \
    asm volatile ("" : "+r" (_var)); \
    _var; \

uint64_t faster_sum4(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;

  if (!node)
    return 0;
  for (;;) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    // Guess the next value.
    if (node == next)
    // Fix it up if we guessed wrong (in case the nodes are not
    // next to each other). Obfuscate "next" to prevent the compiler
    // from eliminating the preceding conditional branch.
    node = obfuscate_var(next);
    if (!node)
  return value;

Yes, inline assembly is certainly one way of doing it – and in fact Per’s original version did something similar, albeit less robust.

Francesco, 2024-07-16:

Yes, inline assembly is certainly one way of doing it – and in fact Per’s original version did something similar, albeit less robust.

I noted your comment in the article about issues with gcc still optimizing the assembler even with the obfuscation of predicted_next. By applying the obfuscation on either inputs of the equality check, or on the “next” variable used as input for the fixup case, it appears to work more reliably.

And of course I should have looked closer at the exact registers used by the assembler generated by gcc. Indeed, gcc 14.1 (x86-64) appears to move the registers loaded from the next pointer and use them in the loop following the successful comparison, which will defeat the purpose of speculating over the load. Assembler for the faster_sum3():

        xor     ecx, ecx
        test    rdi, rdi
        jne     .L21
        jmp     .L19
        test    rdx, rdx
        je      .L19
        mov     rdi, rdx
        mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
        add     rcx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
        mov     rax, rdx
        add     rdi, 16
        cmp     rax, rdi
        jne     .L25
        mov     rdx, rax   <----- this is moving the loaded pointer to use it at next loop
        jmp     .L22
        mov     rax, rcx

And faster_sum4 does something similar. So my two code snippets above won’t work.

Applying the obfuscation on the “node” operand of the comparison appears to really work both with gcc and clang though.

#define obfuscate_var(x) \
({ \
    __typeof__(x) _var = (x); \
    asm ("" : "+r" (_var)); \
    _var; \

uint64_t faster_sum5(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;

  if (!node)
    return 0;
  for (;;) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    // Guess the next value.
    // Prevent the compiler from eliminating the conditional branch.
    if (obfuscate_var(node) == next)
    // Fix it up if we guessed wrong (in case the nodes are not
    // next to each other).
    node = next;
    if (!node)
  return value;

gcc 14.1 x86-64:

        xor     ecx, ecx
        test    rdi, rdi
        jne     .L49
        jmp     .L47
        test    rdx, rdx
        je      .L47
        mov     rdi, rdx
        mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
        add     rcx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
        add     rdi, 16
        mov     rax, rdi
        cmp     rdx, rax
        jne     .L53
        mov     rdx, rdi
        jmp     .L50
        mov     rax, rcx

clang 18.1 x86-64:

faster_sum5:                            # @faster_sum5
        xor     eax, eax
        test    rdi, rdi
        je      .LBB7_3
.LBB7_1:                                # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
        add     rax, qword ptr [rdi]
        mov     rcx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        add     rdi, 16
        mov     rdx, rdi
        cmp     rdx, rcx
        je      .LBB7_1
        mov     rdi, rcx
        test    rcx, rcx
        jne     .LBB7_1

When I started writing the post I also had a few attempts with inline assembly, but as you also found out it’s so brittle that I thought it was just better to go all the way, given the small size of the function.

I suspect the culprit here is that it was not sufficient to ensure the compiler would keep the conditional branch, we also need to ensure the compiler cannot derive the new value of “node” from the loaded “next”. When we compare (node == obfuscate_var(next)), the compiler is free to consider that the value of “node” is indeed the obfuscated_var() evaluation, which indeed derives from the loaded “next”.

Obfuscating the “node” comparison operand instead seems to do the trick, because then the compiler cannot assume anything about the value of “node”.

The downside of this operand obfuscation approach is to add one extra useless register movement.

The useless register movement can be eliminated by using asm goto, which generates decent code:

// Evaluate @a == @b. Prevent the compiler from eliminating
// the conditional branch and from deriving the value of @a from @b,
// thus allowing the CPU to speculatively execute code using @a.
static inline bool speculate_eq_ptr(void *a, void *b)
    asm goto (
        "cmp %[a], %[b]\n\t"
        "je %l[label_eq]\n\t"
        : : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "cc"
        : label_eq);
    return false;
    return true;

uint64_t faster_sum_goto(Node* node) {
  uint64_t value = 0;
  Node* next = NULL;

  if (!node)
    return 0;
  for (;;) {
    value += node->value;
    next = node->next;
    // Guess the next value.
    if (speculate_eq_ptr(node, next))
    // Fix it up if we guessed wrong (in case the nodes are not
    // next to each other).
    node = next;
    if (!node)
  return value;

gcc 14.1 x86-64:

        xor     edx, edx
        test    rdi, rdi
        je      .L54
        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
        add     rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
        add     rdi, 16
        cmp rdi, rax
        je .L56

        test    rax, rax
        je      .L54
        mov     rdi, rax
        jmp     .L56
        mov     rax, rdx

clang 18.1 x86-64:

faster_sum_goto:                        # @faster_sum_goto
        xor     eax, eax
        test    rdi, rdi
        je      .LBB8_3
.LBB8_1:                                # Block address taken
        add     rax, qword ptr [rdi]
        mov     rcx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        add     rdi, 16
        cmp     rcx, rdi
        je      .LBB8_1

        mov     rdi, rcx
        test    rcx, rcx
        jne     .LBB8_1

No one mentioned yet that in sum3 we are essentially moving the data that we know is in L1 into the register, thus going “up” the memory hierarchy to break the dependency chain. This understanding IMO also maps well to sum5. Unless I am wrong, I think this is a nice and simple mental model to have.

After that, we are using the branch predictor to skip the (mostly) unnecessary work and of course trying to get the compiler to emit the right thing. Which is often a trouble at this level of optimisation.

Thanks for the great post!

PS: What happened to sum4? :)

PR, 2024-07-20
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